• 61166, г. Харьков, пр. Науки, 14, корпус «И»
  • (057) 702-13-78
  • (057) 702-18-91
  • d_mst@nure.ua



Congratulations on the appointment of Zhanna Valentynivna Deineko to the position of the Head of the Department!

We would like to express our gratitude to Tkachenko Volodymyr Pylypovych, who successfully headed the MST department for 33 years.

Dear Vladimir Pylypovych!

Your multifaceted activities, based on high professionalism and decency, and a sensitive attitude to colleagues, have always been the result of successfully solving all the tasks set before you. And so it is natural that for so many years the department was headed by such a wise and responsible head. From the bottom of my heart, your colleagues wish you good health, passion, energy, faith and inspiration.

Dear Zhanna Valentinovna!

On behalf of the staff of the department, accept the most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your appointment as head. New position - new opportunities that open the horizon. May the path to it be exciting, enjoyable, full of success. We sincerely wish you constructive work, creative energy to achieve significant success in all endeavors and effective solution of modern challenges.

Staff of MST departments




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