• 61166, г. Харьков, пр. Науки, 14, корпус «И»
  • (057) 702-13-78
  • (057) 702-18-91
  • d_mst@nure.ua


Dear University Entrants!

We are glad to see you on the website of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics!

The choice of future profession and Educational Institution is a very responsible decision that plays a decisive role in your life.

Therefore, making such a decision, you should be sure that the profession selected by you is in demand in the labor market. Besides the material aspect, you will obtain esthetic pleasure from work as well. An Educational Institution that you select will qualitatively and professionally prepare you for your future independent work. If you want to combine the delights of creativity and advantage of the exact sciences in the work, come to us on the Speciality 186 "Publishing and Printing".

Thousands of publishing houses, advertising companies, WEB STUDIOS, design firms, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, the polygraph enterprises, enterprises for production of packaging, etc. work nowadays in Ukraine. This business in the world is on a worthy level, and our Specialists is able to combine a creative approach with engineering solutions work.

The Department of Media Systems and Technologies (MST) since 1997 has been conducting training of specialists for the publishing and polygraph industry, since 2016 – Bachelors and Masters by the Speciality 186 "Publishing and Printing" and to Specializations: «Computer Technologies and Publishing and Printing Production Systems», «Technologies of Printed Editions», «Technologies of Electronic Multimedia Editions» which are oriented to this labor market and, therefore, we have no problems with the employment of our graduates which work not only in Ukraine, but also in Poland, Russia, Germany, England and other countries of the world.

In 2017 the Agreement on Cooperation with the University of Economy (WSG – Wyższa Szkożła Gospodarki), Bydgoszcz, Poland was signed. This Agreement opens new opportunities for our students. One of these opportunities is an implementation of the Program of Double Certification for the Specialization "Information Technologies in the Media Industry" (the Masterʼs level) thanks to which our students of Speciality "Publishing and Printing" will be able to get Diplomas of both Universities after the end of training. At the same time, it should be noted that the Diploma of the University of Economy that will be gained by our students, grants the right to employment in any European Union country without the procedure of Nostrification.

Our website includes information about different aspects of life and activity of a group of professors and students of the Department: educational and scientific work, history of the Department, cooperation with foreign and Ukrainian higher education institutionsthe profile enterprises. Thanks to our web page, you will make your own personal vision of the educational and professional grade of training of specialists at the Department (MST) of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE).

The choice is yours.
We are waiting for you, creative, extraordinary persons!

V. Tkachenko

Head of the Department of MST HNURE



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