• 61166, г. Харьков, пр. Науки, 14, корпус «И»
  • (057) 702-13-78
  • (057) 702-18-91
  • d_mst@nure.ua


Open DAY

The choice of an educational institution for an entrant is not a simple matter.

In order to make it a little easier, higher education regularly holds the Open Door Days, during which future students communicate with the deans and young people who are already studying. In a word, such events are a great opportunity to become closer to the place where you will get a dreamed profession, and to see it, as they say, from the inside.
Thus, on February 17, the Open House Day at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, during which the entrants and their parents became acquainted with the opportunities for obtaining modern education at KNURE, the faculties and departments presented educational programs and familiarized with this year's rules of admission. Welcoming future students, the rector of the University of Radio Electronics, Professor Valery Semenec, told the guests about the main advantages of studying at the University of Radio Electronics and wished him a responsible attitude to the choice of the future profession.
At the end of the official part, a meeting was held with the faculty and students of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies, during which more detailed information was provided on the particularities of studying and admission to specialty. 186 Publishing and printing. During the event, the guests had the opportunity to communicate with the faculty and students in person, as well as to see projects and developments, electronic and print publications, videos and animations, web-systems developed at the department of the MTS.
So, the Department of Media Systems and Technology is waiting for you, creative person! Get quality education and a rich student life!



Для студентов постоянно проводятся различные мероприятия, которые нацелены на то, чтобы развивать студентов всесторонне. Среди них турниры "Что? Где? Когда?", проведение выставок, организация творческих... Подробнее >>


Уважаемые абитуриенты! Мы рады приветствовать Вас на сайте кафедры медиасистем и технологий Харьковского национального университета радиоэлектроники! Выбор будущей профессии и учебного заведения, где Вы сможете... Подробнее >>


Черновицкий национальный университет имени Юрия Федьковича,
Национальный университет "Львовская политехника",
Украинская академия печати,
Национальный технический университет... Подробнее >>